Quick or detailed? Your choice...
Instant & Automated...
This Property Report can produce a comprehensive report in seconds. Enter the details of the property you are interested in and, quick as a flash, you'll have a whole host of information collated into a neat report, just for you.
The "estimated price" will not take into account the condition of the property or other matters which might impact the value of the property, such as neighbouring properties or planning permissions. It's a great tool if you're in a hurry but not necessarily a true reflection when taking in to account all of the details that might impact value.
Accurate & Realistic...
If you are after an accurate assessment of the value of your property, based on 50 years of local knowledge, then nothing gets better than a face to face meeting in your home.
We will take into account the condition & position of your property along with other considerations that may impact the value. We will take in to account comparable properties and help you understand the importance of effective marketing and embracing modern technology. We won't give you the hard sell, we're here to advise and guide you and our advice may even be able to help you raise the value of your home.
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